Sunrise People with The Elvis Depresslees, Wolves, & Shadow People
Join us June 2nd for Sunrise People headlining accompanied by The Elvis Depresslees, Wolves, & Shadow People! Cover: $7. If you like rock music, good energy, and a good sound then check out these bands perform LIVE at the Moon!
Sunrise People –
The Elvis Depresslees –
“Pete Flynn, Ricky Williams and Blaze Sonnier, started jamming in 2012… We rented a storage sight from the most talkative, illustrious man in the storage shed industry. We jammed with temps under 32 degrees with snot falling from nose to instruments… January 13th, Pete, Ricky and friends such as Shannon may helped Blaze build a sound proof room in Blaze’s extra bedroom using blood, sweat and green glue… after completion of “The Jam Room” we continued on with our mission!… We went through three different drummers before Ricky and Blaze got fortunate to get David Leonard involved with our vision… with a new vibe and constant vision of perfection we started banging out songs, mostly new songs with verve and passion and a goal of simplistic perfection… we now stand humbled at your feet… Don’t crush the heart that bleeds…GOOOOO!!!!!!!!!”
Wolves –
“Wolves is a musical project spawned for the Lafayette/Baton Rouge area. Formally of the BR based band The Van Der Beeks, Wolves steps onto the scene unleashing a fury of energetic, raw, and yet sometimes melodic flavor that speaks to the band’s dynamic sound.”
Shadow People