The New Form
Hailing from Lafayette, LA, The New Form combines the use of classic rock and roll instrumentation with a modern take on song structure and dynamics. The band is comprised of Matthew Breaux (Guitar, Vocals), Jared “Jeb” Billeaudeau (Drums, Vocals), Christopher Torian (Guitar), and Grant Gauthreaux (Bass). After playing in his former project, Naybor’s Basement for two years, Breaux decided to expand his sound and start something new. “When Naybor’s decided to take a break, I immediately called up Jeb. When we jammed for the first time, I knew that this was going to be good” said Breaux. They pair set off to find a bassist, and called up Grant Gauthreaux, who played with them in previous bands. Grant accepted the offer and in March of 2013 the trio became The New Form. In Feburary of 2014 the band added Christopher Torian on lead guitar. Playing in countless venues, the group has been acclaimed as being extremely tight and dynamic. With all original material, the group is constantly writing and demoing. They focus on making their live show an energetic and passionate experience for themselves and the listener and plan to begin a tour very soon.